Tai Chi is a popular exercise in Australia because the movements are simple and easy to follow. It can be practiced with an Instructor, in a group, with a friend or on your own following a video.
Anybody can learn Tai Chi. It doesn't matter how old you are or your level of fitness. There is little cost involved. There's no uniform. You simply need to wear loose fitting clothing. It can be done in a small space at home or in a large space with a group. If you are tired or have a disability it can be practiced sitting in a chair. For more information, please visit What is Tai Chi
Fed Fitness sessions brought to you by Federation Square.
Qigong Ba Duan Jin with Master Han Jin Song
Qigong combines integrated physical movement, mental practice and regulated breathing. A simple and useful home-based practice for the prevention and post-recovery management of COVID-19.
'Tai Chi for Everyone' is ideal for beginners as an introduction to the benefits of Tai Chi. There are 8 basic movements. It has been structured to enable people of all ages and physical capacities to enjoy Tai Chi. There are 2 separate versions: Standing and Seated. Simply select the version that is appropriate to you.
Version One is the Standing Form. It is ideal for a beginner. It is easy to learn, remember and practice. The 8 fundamental movements are taught in a standing position so there are no space limitations, making it suitable for people who do not have access to large, open areas. While the form is fairly short, you can make it longer by repeating individual movements or of the complete set.
Version Two is seated. This Sitting Form is suitable for those people who have limited mobility, are confined to a wheelchair or have been advised not to stand for extended periods of time. Even though you are seated, many benefits will be gained from Tai Chi for health and well-being.
These are episodes of Move It Or Lose It broadcast on Channel 31 in 2019.
Tai Chi - Episode 1 - Move It or Lose It
Commencement and Closing Off
1. Repulse Monkey
2. Serpent Flicks its Tongue
Tai Chi - Episode 7 - Move It or Lose It
1. Repulse Monkey
2. Serpent Flicks its Tongue
3. Brush Knee
4. Part the Horse’s Mane
Tai Chi - Episode 11 - Move It or Lose It
1. Repulse Monkey
2. Serpent Flicks its Tongue
3. Brush Knee
4. Part the Horse’s Mane
Tai Chi - Episode 12 - Move It or Lose It
5. Cloud Hands
6. Rooster Stands on One Leg
7. Dragon Kicks
8. Grasp the Bird’s Tail
There are various forms of Qigong, some are done with no movement at all, in standing or sitting positions, some with gentle movements and some with movements mixed with stretching the body or dynamic exertion of power. There are more than 10,000 styles of Qigong and 200 million people practicing them all over China and the world. For more information on Qigong, please visit the following link: https://www.healthqigong.com.au/qigong/what-is-qigong
HQ was created by a group of health/medical experts in China in 2002 based on in-depth research and assessment of the health and therapeutic benefits of thousands years old traditional Chinese exercises. They aim at preventing and fighting problems and medical conditions association with modern living and lifestyle. It comprises the best internal characteristics and essence of the oldest Qigong exercises such as Ba Duan Jin, Liu Zi Jue, Yi Jin Jing and Wu Qin Xi etc.
In recent years HQ has spread far and wide because it is simple, easy to learn and offers excellent benefits to physical and mental wellbeing.
There have been many stringent trials and appraisals with thousands of enthusiastic participants. HQ has proven to be extremely beneficial to general health and many other medical conditions.
For more information on HQ Forms, please visit Qigong Forms at the following link: https://www.healthqigong.com.au
Tai Chi - Movements 1-3 (Part One) - Episode 3 - Move It or Lose It 2019
1. 乾元启运
Beginning of Heaven’s Creation
2. 两手托天理三焦
Heavenly Lift
3. 左右开弓似射雕
Shooting Golden Arrow
Tai Chi - Movements 4-6 (Part Two) - Episode 4 - Move It or Lose It 2019
4. 调理脾胃须单举
White Crane Spreads its Wings
5. 五劳七伤往后瞧
Looking backwards
6. 出爪亮翅势
Lotus Hands
Tai Chi - Movements 7-9 (Part Three) - Episode 5 - Move It or Lose It 2019
7. 攒拳怒目增力气
Angry Eyes and Angry Fists
8. 鸟飞
Flying Like a Bird
9. 云端白鹤
White Crane Flies High in the Clouds
Tai Chi - Movements 10-12 (Part Four) - Episode 6 - Move It or Lose It 2019
10. 凤凰来仪
Phoenix Greets (Salutes) the People
11. 气息归元
Return Qi to the Origin
12. 揉腹
Tai Chi - Movements 1-12 (Part Five) - Episode 7 - Move It or Lose It 2019
1. 乾元启运
Beginning of Heaven’s Creation
2. 两手托天理三焦
Heavenly Lift
3. 左右开弓似射雕
Shooting Golden Arrow
4. 调理脾胃须单举
White Crane Spreads its Wings
5. 五劳七伤往后瞧
Looking backwards
6. 出爪亮翅势
Lotus Hands
7. 攒拳怒目增力气
Angry Eyes and Angry Fists
8. 鸟飞
Flying Like a Bird
9. 云端白鹤
White Crane Flies High in the Clouds
10. 凤凰来仪
Phoenix Greets (Salutes) the People
11. 气息归元
Return Qi to the Origin
12. 揉腹
Lotus is a set of exercises that combines Tai Chi and Qigong movements. It synchronises 14 movements with breathing techniques. It is a gentle flowing exercise routine to help relaxation and improves general health and wellbeing. The chest exercises and controlled breathing improve lung conditions and asthma. It also reduces mental stress and physical tension. It is easy to learn and suitable for people of all ages.