World Health Qigong Day photos

At 10am on the 12th of September, Health Qigong Australia (HQA) in conjunction with Tai Chi Australia (TCA) held a special celebration for the 4th World Health Qigong Day via Zoom in Melbourne.
Due to the COVID19 pandemic worldwide this year’s celebration is a bit different from previous years. Coordinated by the International Health Qigong Federation (IHQF), enthusiastic Health Qigong practitioners from over 72 organisations from 48 countries (regions) gathered together in the "cloud" to practise Health Qigong Ba Duan Jin to celebrate this momentous event.
"World Health Qigong Day" was initiated by the International Health Qigong Federation and is celebrated on the 2nd Saturday of September each year. It is currently the world's largest and most extensive international exhibition and exchange event. The theme of this year's event is "Have you Baduanjined today?" For the first time, the IHQF used a combination of online and offline methods for a series of activities, with continuous reports through the live webcast room, and a panoramic display of the global sharing of Health Qigong Ba Duan Jin.
Health Qigong is an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Fluid physical movements, mental cultivation and regulated breathing guides and promotes the free flow of energy (Qi) throughout the body, which helps to balance Yin and Yang, improve general health and a greater sense of well-being.
Health Qigong enthusiasts from all over the world have expressed their best wishes and blessings for this event through the Internet. Han Jin Song, chief instructor of Tai Chi Australia said “that due to the COVID-19 we are in Lockdown Stage 4, the strictest restriction currently in Australia with an overnight curfew. However, we continue practising Ba Duan Jin via our Zoom classes as we believe it helps us to improve our Lung function and build up the immune system. It is a simple and useful home-based practice for the prevention and post-recovery management of COVID-19. Although we cannot celebrate the 2020 World Health Qigong Day in our usual location, Federation Square, we are celebrating with you all via Zoom. We hope we will be on the other side of COVID19 soon and will resume our regular FREE Tai Chi and Health Qigong at Fed square in November.
The are videos below from Australia, Chinese Health Qigong Association and Italy.
Following the videos are photos of Health Qigong being practised in Australia, Argentina, Chile, Greece, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mauritus, Mexico, Opening ceremony, Shanghai, Singapore and Sri Lanka.