Oceania Health Qigong Training Courses

Tai Chi Australia
Health Qigong Australia
in conjunction with
Chinese Health Qigong Association
Shanghai Wushu Institute
proudly presents
the Oceania Health Qigong Training Courses
conducted by the world’s leading exponent of Health Qigong

Master Zhu Hongyan
Shanghai Sport University
World Tai Chi Champions

Dr. Peng Xiangji
Beijing Sport University

Dr. Chao Shengjie
Lishui University
Health Qigong Australia
2 St Edmonds Grove, Glen Iris, Victoria 3146 Australia
25–26 May 2024
Knowing spirit and Qi makes a long life possible.
Protect and nourish the imaginary embryo to build up spirit and Qi.
When spirit moves the Qi moves; where spirit ceases theQi ceases.
To have a long life, spirit and Qi must mutually interact.
Western society is only now appreciating the long established health virtues of Tai Chi and Qigong. Researchers worldwide are bringing a scientific understanding to Traditional Chinese Medicine and Chinese Health Systems.
Strengthening and building the body’s Chi (Qi) has been the concept preoccupying seekers of health in China for centuries. In traditional Chinese medicine the flow of energy Qi along channels or meridians in the body is viewed as central to a person’s health and well being, with illness being attributed to restricted or blocked Qi flow within the body. This concept provides the basis for acupuncture and Qigong. To be able to build and direct the Qi flow in your body will enhance your health and reduce the chance of illness. For thousands of years people in China have developed, refined and practiced successfully the art of building Qi.
What is Qigong?
Qigong is an integral component of the Chinese health system that combines physical movement, mental cultivation and regulated breathing. It is designed to guide and induce the free flow of energy (Qi) throughout the body, maintaining the harmony of Yin and Yang, thereby promoting good health and a greater sense of well-being.
Qigong increases vitality and impacts positively on medical conditions. It can also bring about increased muscular efficiency, coordination and flexibility; improve breathing and blood flow; and stimulate the immune system. Due to all these factors, Qigong will improve and prolong the quality of life.
Qigong is now regarded within the Chinese health and medical science fields as “the shining pearl in Traditional Chinese Medicine”. It has helped millions of people with severe and lingering health problems to improve their health. Over 70 countries have adopted the concepts of Qigong with millions of people currently practising the art.
These Courses will offer inspiration and practical knowledge in an Eastern approach to health and well being. By working through different movements that constitute each form you will learn the relationship between each movement and Chinese medicine theory. The gentle and flowing movements stimulate vital energy, creating harmony and health for both body and mind.
Who should attend?
Anyone who is interested in Tai Chi, Qigong or TCM including practitioners, instructors and students; fitness instructors and personal trainers; Martial Art schools; herbalist doctors, natural therapists and anyone working in the Health industry and Tai Chi practitioners at all levels;
The Course program will be of particular interest to those who are:
- feeling tired, stressed out, or depressed
- suffering from headache or migraine, neck or shoulder stiffness, sore back, poor sleep patterns, high blood pressure, stomach or digestive problems
- lacking physical exercise and are too busy to look after their health
- wanting to escape from a busy life environment and have a wonderful relaxing weekend
Suitable for new and experienced students, of all ages and fitness levels. Of special interest to those practitioners interested in improving their skills with world Masters.
Do not miss this great opportunity to gain knowledge that will benefit you for the rest of your life.
Local serviced apartments are 8 minutes walk to the venue. You may book directly via internet at http://www.hawthorngardens.com.au/rates.html
The 2nd Oceania Health Qigong Training Courses
The much-anticipated 2024 TCA Health Qigong Courses are returning bigger and better than ever.
This year for the second time in the Oceania region, a series of Health Qigong Courses for Instructor and Beginner’s Training Courses will be conducted by four Masters from the Chinese Health Qigong Association and Shanghai Wushu Institute.
Organised by Health Qigong Australia and Tai Chi Australia in conjunction with the ChineseHealth Qigong Association and Shanghai Wushu Institute this year’s Events will be held in Melbourne again. They are three 2–half day intensive training Courses:
- Beginner’s Training - Ba Duan Jin
- Beginner’s Training - Dao Yin Yangsheng Gong Shi Er Fa
- Instructor’s Training
Course 1: Ba Duan Jin (Eight Golden Treasure Brocade)
Also known as Ba Duan Jin (Eight Bolts of Silk), this is a kind of dynamic Qigong practice having the characteristics of both Qigong and a health-strengthening exercise. It is derived from one of the oldest health-strengthening “folk” exercises in China, which was created 800 years ago.
Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory, eight movements were created to focus on strengthening the bones and muscles, regulating respiration and Qi circulation while utilising Qigong control of the mind. Each of the 8 movements is related to different internal organs such as the liver, stomach, spleen and heart, and may be practiced in whole or part to focus on the prevention and treatment of specific medical problems.
Health Benefits
Increased muscular strength and the development of the pectoral muscles can assist in providing a graceful figure. The use of the core muscles will help in the prevention and treatment of kyphosis and scoliosis along with some common chronic diseases such as cervical spondylopathy, pain in the lower back and legs, and stomach ache. With persistent practice, the Ba Duan Jin can also tone the brain, strengthen health and prolong life.
The Eight Golden Treasure Brocade is simple and easy to learn, and may be varied in intensity to suit the individual. Once you have learnt it, it is best practiced in the morning or evening in fresh air, for 15-30 minutes each time.
Recommended for all students: beginners to advanced. Limited to 20 participants only.
Course 2: Shi Er Fa (12-Step Daoyin Health Preservation Exercises)
An exciting new 12 Movement Qigong form was developed in 1974 by Professor Zhang Guangde, one of the world’s leading Qigong experts. Adapted from over 50 forms it consists of 12 steps, which flow harmoniously from one movement to the next. It has become one of the treasures of health Qigong. It was designed and compiled by the Chinese Health Qigong Association and is based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It concentrates on the Zang Fu organs comprising the heart, liver, spleen lung and kidney and gall bladder, stomach small intestine, large intestine and bladder; the meridians, balancing yin and yang, the Five Elements, Qi and blood.
Health Benefits
This new set of Qigong exercises combines Daoyin with healthcare, limb exercises, mental and spiritual relaxation. When breathing exercises are integrated into Yangsheng (health preservation), the movements are effective for promoting good health, preserving life and cultivating the spirit and prolonging life expectancy.
It can be practised in both seated and standing positions. Movements are graceful, easy to learn and suitable for all ages.
Recommended for all students: beginners to advanced. Limited to 20 participants only.
Course 3: Instructor’s Training
- Health Qigong ABC – theory, philosophy, Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Teaching ABC – how to teach Health Qigong
- Duan Wei ABC – the Grading system and how to prepare for it
- Practical works in Ma Wang Dui
Suitable for both experienced students and those who would like to broaden their knowledge and skills in Health Qigong and/or those who is are thinking about teaching and sharing the benefits of Health Qigong. Limited to 10 participants only.
Time: 2.00am to 6.00pm Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 May 2024
Venue: 2 St Edmonds Grove, Glen Iris, Victoria
Cost: Course 1 or 2
$199 – Public (GST inclusive)
$179 – TCA students
Course 3 $299 – Public (GST inclusive)
$199 – TCA students
All participants are guaranteed a spot for the Health Qigong Free Public Seminar/demonstration on Saturday morning at TCA Centre in Glen Iris and the Celebration of the 20th anniversary of Tai Chi at Federation Square on Sunday morning at The Edge, Fed Square.
All participants will receive a digital copy of the Form they learned which includes a demonstration of the Form, step-by-step teaching, practice techniques and the health benefits.
Suitable for both experienced and new students, a high level of interest from within Victoria, interstate and overseas is anticipated. All instructors and students are encouraged to consider this course. For people working in health, health exercise and /or the Chinese medicine fields, the courses may be tax deductible.
Numbers are strictly limited to 20 students for Course 1 and 2, 10 for course 3.
A Certificate will be presented to all who successfully complete the course on the final day.
On request, special accommodation arrangements can be made with a local serviced apartment. It is an eight minutes walk to the venue.
Do not miss this rare opportunity to enjoy the highest quality of instruction in a friendly and relaxed environment from three highly acclaimed Masters of Health Qigong.