February 2024 Newsletter

Dear Students,
The holiday season is over!! The holidays have ended. Welcome to Term 1, 2024. I hope you and your loved ones had a relaxing and restful break.
Welcome to new and experienced students and students from other schools who have joined us this year. We value your participation. Over recent years we have worked hard to ensure that our school has the best team of instructors in Victoria. It is our privilege and duty to provide you with the most professional training possible, and to make every effort to assist you in achieving your goals, whether they be related to improved health, relaxation, or physical fitness.
We hope 2024 will prove to be a very exciting year for all students. We have great plans for TCA in 2024 with numerous park sessions, workshops conducted by world leading professors/masters from China, the China Tai Chi Tour and many more surprises. Keep up the practice and stay tuned for further information.
Australia is the most successful multicultural society in the world. Almost half of the current population is either born overseas or has at least one parent who is born overseas. We come from every culture, race, faith, and nation but, we are not defined by race, religion, or culture. Instead, we select the best from each culture to improve ourselves as Australians. Like Tai Chi and Health Qigong, both have proven to be beneficial to our mental and physical health. We are an excellent example of a harmonious nation embracing our diversity.
To celebrate the cultural diversity, TCA has participated in the 2024 Australia Day Celebration:
2024 Australia Day Celebration

For almost 20 years, TCA has been involved in the Australia Day Celebrations. We aspire to continue contributing to the well-being and happiness of people through Tai Chi for another 20 years. This is the second year that TCA participated in the Government House Open Day, which has been hosted for over 20 years to mark the Australia Day public holiday. TCA and Blind Tennis were the two privileged sports/exercises selected for the 2024 Celebration.
The Flag Raising Ceremony on the Western Lawn, was hosted by Her Excellency the Honourable Professor Margaret Gardner AC, Governor of Victoria. Meeting Governor Margaret Gardner was a highlight, and we appreciate her generosity in taking the time to engage with our Tai Chi Team. She was kind, friendly and elegant. She emphasised how the colour of tai chi has added to Australian multiculturism.
The weather was perfect. It was heartening to see attendees enjoying a free lesson ranging from the youngest at 3 to the oldest at 83. There were local and international communities, including France, Canada, Japan, China, and Thailand.
We look forward to returning next year.
The Chinese new Year

The Chinese zodiac is made up of 12 animals arranged in order from the rat through to the pig. The order was decided by a race between the animals, organised thousands of years ago by the Jade Emperor of China.
Legend has it, that the cat and the rat, who were friends, decided to help each other. They asked the ox, an early riser, to wake them on the morning of the race, but when the sun rose they could not be woken. The ox decided to carry the cat and rat on his back and was crossing a river when the rat woke up. Realising the cat was a faster runner and was sure to win, the rat pushed his friend into the river. He jumped off the ox as it reached the riverbank and ran to victory.
The ox finished second and was followed by the tiger (which sprang across the river on the backs of other animals), rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig.
The cat was too late to be included in the zodiac and, according to the Chinese, is still chasing rats and mice to this day.
The Chinese base their calendar on the cycles of the moon, while western cultures base theirs on the cycles of the sun.
Whether you subscribe to the Chinese version of the horoscope or not, Chinese New Year is a huge celebration all over the world spanning many religions and cultures. As with Christmas in most western countries, the Chinese believe the New Year should be spent with family.
2024 – The Year of the Dragon

The first full moon of 2024 marked the Chinese New Year and beginning of the Year of the Dragon. The full moon arrives this year on 10 February and is of particular significance to people born in 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 and 2012.
The Dragon is born under the sign of luck. He is a proud and lively character and has a tremendous amount of self-confidence. He is also highly intelligent and very quick to take advantage of any opportunities that occur and will do well in practically anything which he attempts.
He does not suffer fools gladly and will be quick to criticise anyone or anything that displeases him. He is not renowned for being either tactful or diplomatic in his criticism however, he often takes people at their word and can occasionally be rather gullible.
The Dragon is usually very outgoing and is particularly adept at attracting attention and publicity. His views and opinions are highly valued, and he invariably has something interesting and sometimes controversial to say.
He has considerable energy and is often prepared to work long and unsocial hours to achieve what he wants. He can, however, be rather impulsive and does not always consider the consequences of his actions. He hates delay and can get extremely impatient and irritable over even the smallest of hold-ups.
The Dragon will often reach the top of his chosen profession. He has considerable leadership qualities and will do well in positions where he can put his own ideas and policies into practice such as politics, show business, senior management, and the media.
There are many Dragons who cherish their independence to such a degree that they prefer to remain single. However, they will often have numerous admirers and there are many who are attracted by his flamboyant personality and striking looks. If he does marry, he will usually marry young and will find himself particularly well-suited to those born under the signs of the Snake, Rat, Monkey and Rooster. The Rabbit, Pig, Horse and Goat also make ideal companions. Two Dragons will get on well, but things are not so easy with the Ox, Dog or Tiger.
Famous Dragon people are: John Lennon, Bruce Lee, Mae West and Walter Mondale.
Meredith Music Festival – December 2023

The Meredith Music Festival was first held in 1991. A three-day outdoor music festival, it is held every December in a natural amphitheatre located on private farmland near the Victorian country town of Meredith
Once again TCA was present to refresh the spirit of many weary participants. Last year the traditional Sunday morning Tai Chi session attracted hundreds to the hill to stretch, relax and refocus their chi before the music began in earnest. Tai Chi was conducted by Chief Instructor, Master Han Jin Song, with TCA instructors Nhat, Michael and Joel.
Tai Chi continues to grow at Federation Square – the place to meet

Fed Square turned 21 on Friday 26 October 2023. It has developed into the new centre of the city and a natural place for Melburnians to come together to have fun, watch major social and sporting events and participate in the life of the city. It is the true living hub for Melburnians, country visitors, interstate and overseas tourists. Like Tian An Men Square in Beijing, it provides the ideal location to practice Tai Chi and Health Qigong.
We continue to contribute to the success of Federation Square. Until COVID began in 2020, from February 17th, 2004, every Tuesday Tai Chi has been held, and since January 4th, 2013, every Friday Health Qigong has been held. These two ancient Chinese health exercises harmonise body and mind and have been enjoyed enthusiastically by inner-city dwellers, those on their way to work-places and domestic and international visitors. These lessons are free of charge with the support of the Federation Square management.
You are most welcome to come and join us every Tuesday at 7.30am to practise Tai Chi and Health Qigong at Fed Square.
Fed Square is proud to become the world’s number one venue (the only one) to practice Tai Chi and Health Qigong every Tuesday 7.30am to 8.30am regardless, whether it is hot or cold, rain, hail or shine, 52 weeks a year for absolutely no charge. TCA acknowledges the Management of Federation Square for their ongoing support of Tai Chi and Health Qigong.
As this year is the 20th Anniversary of Tai Chi at Fed Square, we are planning to have another celebration on 26th May, 2024 at Fed Square. Details will be announced shortly, so please put this date in your diary and join us for this special event.
The Antenna Awards

The Antenna Awards are an annual award ceremony that recognises outstanding community television programs broadcast on Australia's Channel 31 stations. Since their inception in 2004, the Antennas have been traditionally hosted by C31 Melbourne, and are held at a gala ceremony at Federation Square showcasing outstanding Community Television programs in Australia.
Nominations are forwarded by community television volunteers and audience members. The number of nominees is reduced to a final list for each award. More than 500 initial nominations are received each year.
Song receives nomination

In 2012, Master Han Jin Song volunteered his services by joining the Program and teaching Tai Chi and Health Qigong.
The Tai Chi and Health Qigong programs are conducted in English, Chinese, Italian and Vietnamese and are well received by people from all walks of life in and outside of Australia.
Outstanding Personality in a Seniors Program
Malcolm Harslett (Our Time)
Minie Minarelli (Move It or Lose It)
Carol O’Halloran (Over 50? So What!)
Master Song (Move It or Lose It)
Paula Nagel (Paula’s Place)
The Antennae Awards - Move it or Lose it

Move it or Lose it is a daily exercise program that features different exercises in each program including tai chi, chair-based exercises, weights, stretching, low-impact aerobics as well as relaxation and breathing techniques. The program aims to improve fitness, flexibility and endurance; build strength and balance; and increase circulation and coordination.
Move it or Lose it was nominated as one of the Best Seniors Program
Paula’s P
Move It or Lost It
Our Time
Health, Wellbeing & Lifestyle
Good Evening Melbourne
Over 50? So What?
Tai Chi is one of the most popular programs in Move it or Lose it. Song was asked to represent this Program to receive the awards if it wins and it does. Well done Song.
“It is a great honor to receive this award on behalf of our Team at Move It or Lose It. As you know we all need to be fit and healthy to enjoy everything in our life. Move It or Lose It helps achieve this. Our programs have been watched and followed by millions of people in Australia and overseas since it was first aired in 2012. Congratulations to every member of our Team. On behalf of the team, thank you Channel 31 for providing us with such a great platform to share our knowledge and skills with people in Australia and around the world.
If you wish to be fit and healthy to enjoy the rest of your life, follow us on Move It or Lose It.
Tai Chi Australia hosts Qigong Professors from Chinese Health Qigong Association – May 2024
Since 2008, Tai Chi Australia has been fortunate to receive ongoing support from the Chinese Health Qigong Association (CHQA). TCA is pleased to announce that Masters and Professors from the CHQA will return to TCA to conduct classes and workshops during the weekend of 25-26 May, 2024. Details will be available soon. If you are interested in any aspect of Qigong please contact Song or your Instructor. Put the dates in your diary. I am sure you will enjoy the opportunity to learn from the world’s leading experts.
32nd China Tai Chi Tour 2024

Planning for the 32nd China Tour in 2024 to be held in Mid-October has commenced with a tentative itinerary. Brochures for this tour will be available in April 2024. Detailed information will also be posted on our website soon at www.taichiaustralia.com.au. Each tour is limited to 15 people so please book early to avoid disappointment. Those who book early will receive a $100 discount off what is an extremely competitive price. All previous tour members will confirm that it is an outstanding experience and excellent value. Please check with your instructor or call Song for details. For those who are interested, start saving now!
These tours are a regular part of TCA activities as they enable instructors and students to link their own training to the experience of the country of origin. The tour also offers a safe and unique tourism opportunity at a reasonable cost.
Newsletter Contributions
We are always keen to include any letters or articles supplied by TCA students. Please e-mail info@taichiaustralia.com.au and address it to the Editor
Thank You All!
2023 has been a busy year for TCA. On behalf of the Instructors and Trainee Instructors I would like to thank you all for your participation, involvement and commitment. We hope you’ve had a great 2023 and wish you a successful 2024.
It is TCA policy to ensure that teaching is of the highest professional standard and that students are provided with as wide a range of learning opportunities as possible to advance their Tai Chi understanding and practice.
Please continue to access the TCA website or read the Newsletter for all the exciting events planned for 2024.
Master Han Jin Song
Chief Instructor
Tai Chi Australia
PO Box 59, Glen Iris, 3146.
Tel/Fax: (03) 9889 9999
Mobile: (0415) 99 33 99
Web-Site: www.taichiaustralia.com.au